{"status":403,"reasonKey":"com.atlassian.pocketknife.api.commons.error.AnError","helpCenterBranding":{"logoUrl":"https://api.media.atlassian.com/file/14a790b2-a67a-4169-be09-dcb97526d662/image?token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiIzYTE2MDBiYi0zZGQ4LTRjNTUtOWUwMi03OTYxMDAxYTc5NWEiLCJhY2Nlc3MiOnsidXJuOmZpbGVzdG9yZTpmaWxlOjE0YTc5MGIyLWE2N2EtNDE2OS1iZTA5LWRjYjk3NTI2ZDY2MiI6WyJyZWFkIl19LCJleHAiOjE3MzY0MTI4MjcsIm5iZiI6MTczNjQxMjIyN30.oyEJzL5D7pAsFFJ7A5Hp1L6lBlSorYcw2jkbu6z0hAc&client=3a1600bb-3dd8-4c55-9e02-7961001a795a&mode=fit","logoId":"14a790b2-a67a-4169-be09-dcb97526d662","isLogoAvailable":true,"helpCenterTitle":"Amazon Advertising API Support","sharedPortalName":"Amazon Advertising API Support","userInitialAnnouncementHeader":"Amazon Advertising API Service Announcements (Updated 2023-11-16)","userInitialAnnouncementMessageWiki":"<p>(Click the drop down for more info)<br> Check Amazon Ads Status here <a href=\"https://status.ads.amazon.com/\" class=\"external-link\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">https://status.ads.amazon.com/</a></p>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<hr>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<p><b><span class=\"error\">[ANNOUNCEMENT]</span> Amazon SB V3 API Deprecation</b></p>\n<ul>\n <li><b>Date of Announcement:</b> April 17th, 2024</li>\n <li><b>What is happening:</b> We’re allowing existing callers to extend the shutoff date for Sponsored Brands v3 Campaign Management APIs until May 30 to give you more time to make the transition on these business critical endpoints. Our ask is that you share with us the date you expect to have migrated to SBv3 campaign management fully, so that we can check in with you on that project plan and discuss any delays or issues you experience. Please note that during this sunset period, support on these APIs will be limited, and they may have reduced capacity as we wind down resources on the endpoints.</li>\n</ul>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<hr>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<p><b><span class=\"error\">[Resolved]</span> Amazon DSP is experiencing interruptions</b></p>\n<ul>\n <li><b>Date of Alert:</b> November 16, 2023</li>\n <li><b>What is happening:</b> We’ve fixed the earlier interruption with creative management. We apologize for any inconvenience.</li>\n <li><b>What was impacted:</b> Amazon DSP creative management.</li>\n <li><b>What was NOT impacted?</b> Ad delivery is not affected.</li>\n <li><b>When did this start:</b> November 16, 2023 11:52 AM EST</li>\n <li><b>When did this end:</b> November 16, 2023 at 15:30 PM EST</li>\n <li><b>Actions/Workaround:</b> N/A</li>\n</ul>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<hr>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<p><b><span class=\"error\">[New Issue]</span> Amazon DSP is experiencing interruptions</b></p>\n<ul>\n <li><b>Date of Alert:</b> November 16, 2023</li>\n <li><b>What is happening:</b> We’re experiencing a temporary interruption with creative management. We’re working to fix it. Ad delivery is not affected. We apologize for any inconvenience and will update when resolved.</li>\n <li><b>What is impacted:</b> Amazon DSP creative management.</li>\n <li><b>What is NOT impacted?</b> Ad delivery is not affected.</li>\n <li><b>When did this start:</b> November 16, 2023 11:52 AM EST</li>\n <li><b>Actions/Workaround:</b> N/A</li>\n</ul>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<hr>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<p><b><span class=\"error\">[Resolved]</span> SB and SD Campaigns overspend their daily budget</b></p>\n<ul>\n <li><b>Date of Alert:</b> November 15, 2023</li>\n <li><b>What is happening:</b> We’ve fixed the earlier interruption that was causing campaigns to overspend. We apologize for any inconvenience.</li>\n <li><b>What was impacted:</b> Some SB and SD Campaigns in EU region.</li>\n <li><b>What was NOT impacted?</b> SP, ADSP, ST are not impacted.</li>\n <li><b>When did this start:</b> November 09, 2023 07:00 PM EST</li>\n <li><b>When did this end:</b> November 15, 2023 at 12:30 PM EST</li>\n <li><b>Actions/Workaround:</b> Your invoice will be adjusted for any over-delivery, so that you won't be charged for any amount in excess of your monthly charging limit (learn more here : <a href=\"https://advertising.amazon.com/API/docs/en-us/guides/account-management/average-daily-budget#overview\" class=\"external-link\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">https://advertising.amazon.com/API/docs/en-us/guides/account-management/average-daily-budget#overview</a>).</li>\n</ul>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<hr>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<p><b><span class=\"error\">[New Issue]</span> SB and SD Campaigns overspend their daily budget</b></p>\n<ul>\n <li><b>Date of Alert:</b> November 14, 2023</li>\n <li><b>What is happening:</b> We’re experiencing a temporary interruption that is causing some campaigns to overspend their daily budget. We’re working to fix it. We apologize for any inconvenience and will update when resolved.</li>\n <li><b>What is impacted:</b> Some SB and SD Campaigns in EU region.</li>\n <li><b>What is NOT impacted?</b> SP, ADSP, ST are not impacted.</li>\n <li><b>When did this start:</b> November 09, 2023 07:00 PM EST</li>\n <li><b>Actions/Workaround:</b> N/A</li>\n</ul>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<hr>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"> <b><span class=\"error\">[Resolved]</span> ADSP Marketing Stream Campaigns data is seeing delays</b></p>\n<ul>\n <li><b>Date of Alert:</b> November 13, 2023</li>\n <li><b>What is happening:</b> Starting November 07, 2023 3:22 PM EST, average staleness for campaign management data has increased. As of 3:06 AM EST on November 13, ADSP completed recovery. Sponsored Ads campaign management datasets saw recovery at approximately 7PM EST on November 8.</li>\n <li><b>What is impacted:</b> Marketing Stream ADSP Campaign Management Datasets in EU region</li>\n <li><b>When did this start:</b> November 08, 2023 at 11:43EST</li>\n <li><b>Actions/Workaround:</b> N/A</li>\n</ul>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<hr>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<p><b><span class=\"error\">[Update]</span> ADSP Marketing Stream Campaigns data is seeing delays</b></p>\n<ul>\n <li><b>Date of Alert:</b> November 10, 2023</li>\n <li><b>What is happening:</b> Starting November 07, 2023 3:22 PM EST, average staleness for campaign management data has increased. As of 6:10 AM EST on November 10, ADSP campaign management marketing stream data has stabilized to normal bounds. Sponsored Ads campaign management datasets saw recovery at approximately 7PM EST on November 8.</li>\n <li><b>What is impacted:</b> Marketing Stream ADSP Campaign Management Datasets in EU region</li>\n <li><b>When did this start:</b> November 08, 2023 at 11:43EST</li>\n <li><b>Actions/Workaround:</b> N/A</li>\n</ul>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<hr>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<p><b><span class=\"error\">[Resolved]</span> Amazon DSP is experiencing interruptions.</b></p>\n<ul>\n <li><b>Date of Alert:</b> November 09, 2023</li>\n <li><b>What is happening:</b> We’ve fixed the earlier interruption with creative management for all creative types. We apologize for any inconvenience and will update when resolved.</li>\n <li><b>What is impacted:</b> Amazon DSP console and API.</li>\n <li><b>When did this end:</b> November 08, 2023 at 20:30EST</li>\n <li><b>Actions/Workaround:</b> N/A</li>\n</ul>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<hr>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<p><b><span class=\"error\">[New Issue]</span> ADSP Marketing Stream Campaigns data is seeing delays</b></p>\n<ul>\n <li><b>Date of Alert:</b> November 09, 2023</li>\n <li><b>What is happening:</b> Starting November 07, 2023 3:22 PM EST, average staleness for campaign management data has increased. Advertisers may see a data delay of up to 3 hours for ADSP campaign management marketing stream data. Sponsored Ads campaign management datasets saw recovery at approximately 7PM EST 11/8.</li>\n <li><b>What is impacted:</b> Marketing Stream ADSP Campaign Management Datasets in EU region</li>\n <li><b>When did this start:</b> November 08, 2023 at 11:43EST</li>\n <li><b>Actions/Workaround:</b> N/A</li>\n</ul>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<hr>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<p><b><span class=\"error\">[Update]</span> Amazon DSP is experiencing interruptions.</b></p>\n<ul>\n <li><b>Date of Alert:</b> November 09, 2023</li>\n <li><b>What is happening:</b> We’ve fixed the earlier interruption with creative management for all creative types except video. We’re working to fix video creative. We apologize for any inconvenience and will update when resolved.</li>\n <li><b>What is impacted:</b> Amazon DSP console and API.</li>\n <li><b>When did this start:</b> November 08, 2023 at 15:39EST</li>\n <li><b>Actions/Workaround:</b> N/A</li>\n</ul>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<hr>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<p><b><span class=\"error\">[New Issue]</span> Amazon DSP is experiencing interruptions.</b></p>\n<ul>\n <li><b>Date of Alert:</b> November 08, 2023</li>\n <li><b>What is happening:</b> We’re experiencing a temporary interruption with creative management in EU region. We’re working to fix it. Ad delivery is not affected. We apologize for any inconvenience and will update when resolved.</li>\n <li><b>What is impacted:</b> Amazon DSP console and API.</li>\n <li><b>When did this start:</b> November 08, 2023 at 11:43EST</li>\n <li><b>Actions/Workaround:</b> N/A</li>\n</ul>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<hr>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<p><b><span class=\"error\">[Resolved]</span> Amazon DSP is experiencing interruptions.</b></p>\n<ul>\n <li><b>Date of Alert:</b> 2023-09-28</li>\n <li><b>What is happening:</b> We’ve fixed the earlier interruption in reporting of viewability metrics for video campaigns on Amazon DSP. However, viewability metrics for the duration of the interruption can't be recovered. We apologize for the inconvenience.</li>\n <li><b>What is impacted:</b> Amazon DSP console and API.</li>\n <li><b>When did this start:</b> 2023-09-27</li>\n <li><b>Actions/Workaround:</b> N/A</li>\n</ul>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<hr>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<p><b><span class=\"error\">[New Issue]</span> Amazon DSP is experiencing interruptions.</b></p>\n<ul>\n <li><b>Date of Alert:</b> 2023-09-28</li>\n <li><b>What is happening:</b> We’re investigating a temporary interruption in reporting of viewability metrics for video campaigns on Amazon DSP. We’re working to fix it. We apologize for any inconvenience and will update when resolved.</li>\n <li><b>What is impacted:</b> Amazon DSP console and API.</li>\n <li><b>When did this start:</b> 2023-09-27</li>\n <li><b>Actions/Workaround:</b> N/A</li>\n</ul>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<hr>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<p><b><span class=\"error\">[Resolved]</span> Amazon DSP ad delivery temporary interruption</b></p>\n<ul>\n <li><b>Date of Alert:</b> 2023-09-01</li>\n <li><b>What is happening:</b> We’ve fixed the earlier interruption with Amazon DSP ad delivery. We apologize for any inconvenience.</li>\n <li><b>What was impacted:</b> Amazon DSP console and API.</li>\n <li><b>Who was NOT impacted?</b> SP, SB, SD were not impacted.</li>\n <li><b>When did this start:</b> 2023-08-30</li>\n <li><b>When did this end:</b> 2023-09-01</li>\n <li><b>Actions/Workaround:</b> N/A</li>\n</ul>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<hr>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<p><b><span class=\"error\">[New Issue]</span> Amazon DSP ad delivery temporary interruption</b></p>\n<ul>\n <li><b>Date of Alert:</b> 2023-09-01</li>\n <li><b>What is happening:</b> We’re experiencing a temporary interruption with Amazon DSP ad delivery. We’re working to fix it. We apologize for any inconvenience and will update when resolved.</li>\n <li><b>What is impacted:</b> Amazon DSP console and API.</li>\n <li><b>Who is NOT impacted?</b> SP, SB, SD were not impacted.</li>\n <li><b>When did this start:</b> 2023-08-30</li>\n <li><b>Actions/Workaround:</b> N/A</li>\n</ul>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<hr>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<p><b><span class=\"error\">[Heads Up]</span> Upcoming Amazon Ads API SB beta (v4) Deprecation 8/31/23</b><br> The Sponsored Brands v4 beta endpoints will be deprecated on August 31, 2023. You will need to start using the general availability endpoints by this date. For more details, please refer here: <a href=\"https://advertising.amazon.com/API/docs/en-us/release-notes/deprecations\" class=\"external-link\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">https://advertising.amazon.com/API/docs/en-us/release-notes/deprecations</a>.</p>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<hr>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<p><b><span class=\"error\">[Resolved]</span> SD/SB views/ad-interaction events over reporting</b></p>\n<ul>\n <li><b>Date of Alert:</b> 2023-06-29</li>\n <li><b>What is happening:</b> We're experiencing a temporary issue in our sponsored display and sponsored brands views reporting between May 3,2023 and June 6,2023. We're working to fix it. Billing is not impacted. No campaign metrics have been lost, and any missing information will be available after resolution. We apologize for any inconvenience and will update when resolved.</li>\n <li><b>What is impacted:</b> SB, SD</li>\n <li><b>When did this start:</b> 2023-06-20</li>\n <li><b>Actions/Workaround:</b> N/A</li>\n</ul>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<hr>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<p><b><span class=\"error\">[Heads Up]</span> SD/SB views/ad-interaction events over reporting</b></p>\n<ul>\n <li><b>Date of Alert:</b> 2023-06-22</li>\n <li><b>What is happening:</b> We're experiencing a temporary issue in our sponsored display and sponsored brands views reporting between May 3,2023 and June 6,2023. We're working to fix it. Billing is not impacted. No campaign metrics have been lost, and any missing information will be available after resolution. We apologize for any inconvenience and will update when resolved.</li>\n <li><b>What is impacted:</b> SB, SD</li>\n <li><b>When did this start:</b> 2023-06-20</li>\n <li><b>Actions/Workaround:</b> N/A</li>\n</ul>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<hr>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<p><b><span class=\"error\">[Resolved]</span> SP/SD/SB customers might have seen negative impressions since 6/8 2pm PT</b></p>\n<ul>\n <li><b>Date of Alert:</b> 2023-06-08.</li>\n <li><b>What is happening:</b> From 06/08/2023 - 02:00:00 PM PT and still ongoing , advertisers who requested traffic metrics through API or downloadable reports may have seen negative traffic metrics for campaign dates between 2023-06-01 and 2023-06-06.</li>\n <li><b>What is impacted:</b> SP/SD/SB Advertising console/API/Report traffic metrics.</li>\n <li><b>When did this start:</b> 2023-06-08, 2pm PT.</li>\n <li><b>Actions/Workaround:</b> It's mitigated in all regions.</li>\n</ul>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<hr>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<p><b><span class=\"error\">[Update]</span> SP/SD/SB customers might have seen negative impressions since 6/8 2pm PT</b></p>\n<ul>\n <li><b>Date of Alert:</b> 2023-06-08.</li>\n <li><b>What is happening:</b> From 06/08/2023 - 02:00:00 PM PT and still ongoing , advertisers who requested traffic metrics through API or downloadable reports may have seen negative traffic metrics for campaign dates between 2023-06-01 and 2023-06-06.</li>\n <li><b>What is impacted:</b> SP/SD/SB Advertising console/API/Report traffic metrics.</li>\n <li><b>When did this start:</b> 2023-06-08, 2pm PT.</li>\n <li><b>Actions/Workaround:</b> It is mitigated in FE and EU region.</li>\n</ul>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<hr>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<p><b><span class=\"error\">[Resolved]</span> Ads API temporary interruption</b></p>\n<ul>\n <li><b>Date of Alert:</b> 2023-06-13 5:40 PM PDT</li>\n <li><b>What is happening:</b> We've fixed the earlier interruption in our systems. We apologize for any inconvenience.</li>\n <li><b>What is impacted:</b> Some Ad API services were impacted, API callers received http 500 error during.</li>\n <li><b>Who is NOT impacted?</b> Ad delivery is not impacted.</li>\n <li><b>When did this start:</b> 2023-06-13 12:08 PM PDT</li>\n <li><b>Actions/Workaround:</b> N/A Ads API service is back to normal.</li>\n</ul>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<hr>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<p><b><span class=\"error\">[Update]</span> Ads API temporary interruption</b></p>\n<ul>\n <li><b>Date of Alert:</b> 2023-06-13 3:45 PM PDT</li>\n <li><b>What is happening:</b> We’ve fixed some of the earlier interruptions in our systems. Ad delivery is not affected. We apologize for any inconvenience and will update when resolved</li>\n <li><b>What is impacted:</b> Some Ad API services were impacted, API callers received http 500 error during.</li>\n <li><b>Who is NOT impacted?</b> Ad delivery is not impacted.</li>\n <li><b>When did this start:</b> 2023-06-13 12:08 PM PDT</li>\n <li><b>Actions/Workaround:</b> N/A</li>\n</ul>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<hr>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<p><b><span class=\"error\">[Update]</span> Ads API temporary interruption</b></p>\n<ul>\n <li><b>Date of Alert:</b> 2023-06-13 2:00 PM PDT</li>\n <li><b>What is happening:</b> Our systems are experiencing a temporary interruption. We’re working to fix it. We apologize for any inconvenience and will update when resolved. We will provide another update at 3 PM PST or when the interruption is resolved</li>\n <li><b>When did this start:</b> 2023-06-13 12:08 PM PDT</li>\n <li><b>Actions/Workaround:</b> N/A</li>\n</ul>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<hr>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<p><b><span class=\"error\">[New Issue]</span> Ads API temporary interruption</b></p>\n<ul>\n <li><b>Date of Alert:</b> 2023-06-13</li>\n <li><b>What is happening:</b> Our systems are experiencing a temporary interruption. We’re working to fix it. We apologize for any inconvenience and will update when resolved. We will provide another update at 2 PM PST or when the interruption is resolved</li>\n <li><b>When did this start:</b> 2023-06-13</li>\n <li><b>Actions/Workaround:</b> N/A</li>\n</ul>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<hr>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<p><b><span class=\"error\">[Update]</span> SP/SD/SB customers might have seen negative impressions since 6/8 2pm PT</b></p>\n<ul>\n <li><b>Date of Alert:</b> 2023-06-08.</li>\n <li><b>What is happening:</b> From 06/08/2023 - 02:00:00 PM PT and still ongoing , advertisers who requested traffic metrics through API or downloadable reports may have seen negative traffic metrics for campaign dates between 2023-06-01 and 2023-06-06.</li>\n <li><b>What is impacted:</b> SP/SD/SB Advertising console/API/Report traffic metrics.</li>\n <li><b>When did this start:</b> 2023-06-08, 2pm PT.</li>\n <li><b>Actions/Workaround:</b> It is mitigated in FE region. No campaign metrics have been lost, and any missing information will be available after resolution. We apologize for any inconvenience and will update when resolved.</li>\n</ul>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<hr>\n<p><br class=\"atl-forced-newline\"></p>\n<p><b><span class=\"error\">[New Issue]</span> SP/SD/SB customers might have seen negative impressions since 6/8 2pm PT</b></p>\n<ul>\n <li><b>Date of Alert:</b> 2023-06-08.</li>\n <li><b>What is happening:</b> From 06/08/2023 - 02:00:00 PM PT and still ongoing , advertisers who requested traffic metrics through API or downloadable reports may have seen negative traffic metrics for campaign dates between 6/1 and 6/6 for the impacted duration.</li>\n <li><b>What is impacted:</b> SP/SD/SB Advertising console/API/Report traffic metrics worldwide.</li>\n <li><b>Who is NOT impacted?</b> DSP users were not impacted.</li>\n <li><b>When did this start:</b> 2023-06-08, 2pm PT.</li>\n <li><b>Actions/Workaround:</b> We're working to fix it. No campaign metrics have been lost, and any missing information will be available after resolution. We apologize for any inconvenience and will update when resolved.</li>\n</ul>","translations":{"en-US":{"helpCenterTitle":"Amazon Advertising API Support","sharedPortalName":"Amazon Advertising API Support","announcementHeader":"Amazon Advertising API Service Announcements (Updated 2023-11-16)","announcementMessage":"(Click the drop down for more info)\nCheck Amazon Ads Status here https://status.ads.amazon.com/\n\n\\\\\n----\n\\\\\n\n*[ANNOUNCEMENT] Amazon SB V3 API Deprecation*\n* *Date of Announcement:* April 17th, 2024\n* *What is happening:* We’re allowing existing callers to extend the shutoff date for Sponsored Brands v3 Campaign Management APIs until May 30 to give you more time to make the transition on these business critical endpoints. Our ask is that you share with us the date you expect to have migrated to SBv3 campaign management fully, so that we can check in with you on that project plan and discuss any delays or issues you experience. Please note that during this sunset period, support on these APIs will be limited, and they may have reduced capacity as we wind down resources on the endpoints.\n\n\\\\\n----\n\\\\\n\n*[Resolved] Amazon DSP is experiencing interruptions*\n* *Date of Alert:* November 16, 2023\n* *What is happening:* We’ve fixed the earlier interruption with creative management. We apologize for any inconvenience.\n* *What was impacted:* Amazon DSP creative management.\n* *What was NOT impacted?* Ad delivery is not affected.\n* *When did this start:* November 16, 2023 11:52 AM EST\n* *When did this end:* November 16, 2023 at 15:30 PM EST\n* *Actions/Workaround:* N/A\n\n\\\\\n----\n\\\\\n\n*[New Issue] Amazon DSP is experiencing interruptions*\n* *Date of Alert:* November 16, 2023\n* *What is happening:* We’re experiencing a temporary interruption with creative management. We’re working to fix it. Ad delivery is not affected. We apologize for any inconvenience and will update when resolved.\n* *What is impacted:* Amazon DSP creative management.\n* *What is NOT impacted?* Ad delivery is not affected.\n* *When did this start:* November 16, 2023 11:52 AM EST\n* *Actions/Workaround:* N/A\n\n\\\\\n----\n\\\\\n\n*[Resolved] SB and SD Campaigns overspend their daily budget*\n* *Date of Alert:* November 15, 2023\n* *What is happening:* We’ve fixed the earlier interruption that was causing campaigns to overspend. We apologize for any inconvenience.\n* *What was impacted:* Some SB and SD Campaigns in EU region.\n* *What was NOT impacted?* SP, ADSP, ST are not impacted.\n* *When did this start:* November 09, 2023 07:00 PM EST\n* *When did this end:* November 15, 2023 at 12:30 PM EST\n* *Actions/Workaround:* Your invoice will be adjusted for any over-delivery, so that you won't be charged for any amount in excess of your monthly charging limit (learn more here : https://advertising.amazon.com/API/docs/en-us/guides/account-management/average-daily-budget#overview).\n\n\\\\\n----\n\\\\\n\n*[New Issue] SB and SD Campaigns overspend their daily budget*\n* *Date of Alert:* November 14, 2023\n* *What is happening:* We’re experiencing a temporary interruption that is causing some campaigns to overspend their daily budget. We’re working to fix it. We apologize for any inconvenience and will update when resolved.\n* *What is impacted:* Some SB and SD Campaigns in EU region.\n* *What is NOT impacted?* SP, ADSP, ST are not impacted.\n* *When did this start:* November 09, 2023 07:00 PM EST\n* *Actions/Workaround:* N/A\n\n\\\\\n----\n\\\\\n*[Resolved] ADSP Marketing Stream Campaigns data is seeing delays*\n* *Date of Alert:* November 13, 2023\n* *What is happening:* Starting November 07, 2023 3:22 PM EST, average staleness for campaign management data has increased. As of 3:06 AM EST on November 13, ADSP completed recovery. Sponsored Ads campaign management datasets saw recovery at approximately 7PM EST on November 8.\n* *What is impacted:* Marketing Stream ADSP Campaign Management Datasets in EU region \n* *When did this start:* November 08, 2023 at 11:43EST\n* *Actions/Workaround:* N/A\n\n\\\\\n----\n\\\\\n\n*[Update] ADSP Marketing Stream Campaigns data is seeing delays*\n* *Date of Alert:* November 10, 2023\n* *What is happening:* Starting November 07, 2023 3:22 PM EST, average staleness for campaign management data has increased. As of 6:10 AM EST on November 10, ADSP campaign management marketing stream data has stabilized to normal bounds. Sponsored Ads campaign management datasets saw recovery at approximately 7PM EST on November 8.\n* *What is impacted:* Marketing Stream ADSP Campaign Management Datasets in EU region \n* *When did this start:* November 08, 2023 at 11:43EST\n* *Actions/Workaround:* N/A\n\n\\\\\n----\n\\\\\n\n*[Resolved] Amazon DSP is experiencing interruptions.*\n* *Date of Alert:* November 09, 2023\n* *What is happening:* We’ve fixed the earlier interruption with creative management for all creative types. We apologize for any inconvenience and will update when resolved.\n* *What is impacted:* Amazon DSP console and API.\n* *When did this end:* November 08, 2023 at 20:30EST\n* *Actions/Workaround:* N/A\n\n\\\\\n----\n\\\\ \n\n*[New Issue] ADSP Marketing Stream Campaigns data is seeing delays*\n* *Date of Alert:* November 09, 2023\n* *What is happening:* Starting November 07, 2023 3:22 PM EST, average staleness for campaign management data has increased. Advertisers may see a data delay of up to 3 hours for ADSP campaign management marketing stream data. Sponsored Ads campaign management datasets saw recovery at approximately 7PM EST 11/8.\n* *What is impacted:* Marketing Stream ADSP Campaign Management Datasets in EU region \n* *When did this start:* November 08, 2023 at 11:43EST\n* *Actions/Workaround:* N/A\n\n\\\\\n----\n\\\\\n\n*[Update] Amazon DSP is experiencing interruptions.*\n* *Date of Alert:* November 09, 2023\n* *What is happening:* We’ve fixed the earlier interruption with creative management for all creative types except video. We’re working to fix video creative. We apologize for any inconvenience and will update when resolved.\n* *What is impacted:* Amazon DSP console and API.\n* *When did this start:* November 08, 2023 at 15:39EST\n* *Actions/Workaround:* N/A\n\n\\\\\n----\n\\\\\n\n*[New Issue] Amazon DSP is experiencing interruptions.*\n* *Date of Alert:* November 08, 2023\n* *What is happening:* We’re experiencing a temporary interruption with creative management in EU region. We’re working to fix it. Ad delivery is not affected. We apologize for any inconvenience and will update when resolved.\n* *What is impacted:* Amazon DSP console and API.\n* *When did this start:* November 08, 2023 at 11:43EST\n* *Actions/Workaround:* N/A\n\n\\\\\n----\n\\\\\n\n*[Resolved] Amazon DSP is experiencing interruptions.*\n* *Date of Alert:* 2023-09-28\n* *What is happening:* We’ve fixed the earlier interruption in reporting of viewability metrics for video campaigns on Amazon DSP. However, viewability metrics for the duration of the interruption can't be recovered. We apologize for the inconvenience.\n* *What is impacted:* Amazon DSP console and API.\n* *When did this start:* 2023-09-27\n* *Actions/Workaround:* N/A\n\n\\\\\n----\n\\\\\n\n*[New Issue] Amazon DSP is experiencing interruptions.*\n* *Date of Alert:* 2023-09-28\n* *What is happening:* We’re investigating a temporary interruption in reporting of viewability metrics for video campaigns on Amazon DSP. We’re working to fix it. We apologize for any inconvenience and will update when resolved.\n* *What is impacted:* Amazon DSP console and API.\n* *When did this start:* 2023-09-27\n* *Actions/Workaround:* N/A\n\n\n\\\\\n----\n\\\\\n\n*[Resolved] Amazon DSP ad delivery temporary interruption*\n* *Date of Alert:* 2023-09-01\n* *What is happening:* We’ve fixed the earlier interruption with Amazon DSP ad delivery. We apologize for any inconvenience.\n* *What was impacted:* Amazon DSP console and API.\n* *Who was NOT impacted?* SP, SB, SD were not impacted. \n* *When did this start:* 2023-08-30\n* *When did this end:* 2023-09-01\n* *Actions/Workaround:* N/A\n\n\\\\\n----\n\\\\\n\n*[New Issue] Amazon DSP ad delivery temporary interruption*\n* *Date of Alert:* 2023-09-01\n* *What is happening:* We’re experiencing a temporary interruption with Amazon DSP ad delivery. We’re working to fix it. We apologize for any inconvenience and will update when resolved.\n* *What is impacted:* Amazon DSP console and API.\n* *Who is NOT impacted?* SP, SB, SD were not impacted. \n* *When did this start:* 2023-08-30\n* *Actions/Workaround:* N/A\n\n\n\\\\\n----\n\\\\\n\n*[Heads Up] Upcoming Amazon Ads API SB beta (v4) Deprecation 8/31/23*\nThe Sponsored Brands v4 beta endpoints will be deprecated on August 31, 2023. You will need to start using the general availability endpoints by this date. For more details, please refer here: https://advertising.amazon.com/API/docs/en-us/release-notes/deprecations.\n\n\\\\\n----\n\\\\\n\n\n*[Resolved] SD/SB views/ad-interaction events over reporting*\n* *Date of Alert:* 2023-06-29\n* *What is happening:* We're experiencing a temporary issue in our sponsored display and sponsored brands views reporting between May 3,2023 and June 6,2023. We're working to fix it. Billing is not impacted. No campaign metrics have been lost, and any missing information will be available after resolution. We apologize for any inconvenience and will update when resolved.\n* *What is impacted:* SB, SD\n* *When did this start:* 2023-06-20\n* *Actions/Workaround:* N/A\n\n\\\\\n----\n\\\\\n\n*[Heads Up] SD/SB views/ad-interaction events over reporting*\n* *Date of Alert:* 2023-06-22\n* *What is happening:* We're experiencing a temporary issue in our sponsored display and sponsored brands views reporting between May 3,2023 and June 6,2023. We're working to fix it. Billing is not impacted. No campaign metrics have been lost, and any missing information will be available after resolution. We apologize for any inconvenience and will update when resolved.\n* *What is impacted:* SB, SD\n* *When did this start:* 2023-06-20\n* *Actions/Workaround:* N/A\n\n\\\\\n----\n\\\\\n\n*[Resolved] SP/SD/SB customers might have seen negative impressions since 6/8 2pm PT*\n* *Date of Alert:* 2023-06-08.\n* *What is happening:* From 06/08/2023 - 02:00:00 PM PT and still ongoing , advertisers who requested traffic metrics through API or downloadable reports may have seen negative traffic metrics for campaign dates between 2023-06-01 and 2023-06-06.\n* *What is impacted:* SP/SD/SB Advertising console/API/Report traffic metrics.\n* *When did this start:* 2023-06-08, 2pm PT.\n* *Actions/Workaround:* It's mitigated in all regions.\n\n\\\\\n----\n\\\\\n\n*[Update] SP/SD/SB customers might have seen negative impressions since 6/8 2pm PT*\n* *Date of Alert:* 2023-06-08.\n* *What is happening:* From 06/08/2023 - 02:00:00 PM PT and still ongoing , advertisers who requested traffic metrics through API or downloadable reports may have seen negative traffic metrics for campaign dates between 2023-06-01 and 2023-06-06.\n* *What is impacted:* SP/SD/SB Advertising console/API/Report traffic metrics.\n* *When did this start:* 2023-06-08, 2pm PT.\n* *Actions/Workaround:* It is mitigated in FE and EU region.\n\n\\\\\n----\n\\\\\n\n*[Resolved] Ads API temporary interruption*\n* *Date of Alert:* 2023-06-13 5:40 PM PDT\n* *What is happening:* We've fixed the earlier interruption in our systems. We apologize for any inconvenience.\n* *What is impacted:* Some Ad API services were impacted, API callers received http 500 error during.\n* *Who is NOT impacted?* Ad delivery is not impacted. \n* *When did this start:* 2023-06-13 12:08 PM PDT\n* *Actions/Workaround:* N/A Ads API service is back to normal.\n\n\\\\\n----\n\\\\\n\n*[Update] Ads API temporary interruption*\n* *Date of Alert:* 2023-06-13 3:45 PM PDT\n* *What is happening:* We’ve fixed some of the earlier interruptions in our systems. Ad delivery is not affected. We apologize for any inconvenience and will update when resolved\n* *What is impacted:* Some Ad API services were impacted, API callers received http 500 error during.\n* *Who is NOT impacted?* Ad delivery is not impacted. \n* *When did this start:* 2023-06-13 12:08 PM PDT\n* *Actions/Workaround:* N/A\n\n\\\\\n----\n\\\\\n\n*[Update] Ads API temporary interruption*\n* *Date of Alert:* 2023-06-13 2:00 PM PDT\n* *What is happening:* Our systems are experiencing a temporary interruption. We’re working to fix it. We apologize for any inconvenience and will update when resolved. We will provide another update at 3 PM PST or when the interruption is resolved\n* *When did this start:* 2023-06-13 12:08 PM PDT\n* *Actions/Workaround:* N/A\n\n\\\\\n----\n\\\\\n\n*[New Issue] Ads API temporary interruption*\n* *Date of Alert:* 2023-06-13\n* *What is happening:* Our systems are experiencing a temporary interruption. We’re working to fix it. We apologize for any inconvenience and will update when resolved. We will provide another update at 2 PM PST or when the interruption is resolved\n* *When did this start:* 2023-06-13\n* *Actions/Workaround:* N/A\n\n\\\\\n----\n\\\\\n\n*[Update] SP/SD/SB customers might have seen negative impressions since 6/8 2pm PT*\n* *Date of Alert:* 2023-06-08.\n* *What is happening:* From 06/08/2023 - 02:00:00 PM PT and still ongoing , advertisers who requested traffic metrics through API or downloadable reports may have seen negative traffic metrics for campaign dates between 2023-06-01 and 2023-06-06.\n* *What is impacted:* SP/SD/SB Advertising console/API/Report traffic metrics.\n* *When did this start:* 2023-06-08, 2pm PT.\n* *Actions/Workaround:* It is mitigated in FE region. No campaign metrics have been lost, and any missing information will be available after resolution. We apologize for any inconvenience and will update when resolved.\n\n\\\\\n----\n\\\\\n\n*[New Issue] SP/SD/SB customers might have seen negative impressions since 6/8 2pm PT*\n* *Date of Alert:* 2023-06-08.\n* *What is happening:* From 06/08/2023 - 02:00:00 PM PT and still ongoing , advertisers who requested traffic metrics through API or downloadable reports may have seen negative traffic metrics for campaign dates between 6/1 and 6/6 for the impacted duration.\n* *What is impacted:* SP/SD/SB Advertising console/API/Report traffic metrics worldwide.\n* *Who is NOT impacted?* DSP users were not impacted. \n* *When did this start:* 2023-06-08, 2pm PT.\n* *Actions/Workaround:* We're working to fix it. No campaign metrics have been lost, and any missing information will be available after resolution. We apologize for any inconvenience and will update when resolved.\n\n","localeDisplayName":"English (United States)"},"zh-CN":{"localeDisplayName":"Chinese (China)"}},"canEditAnnouncement":false,"siteDefaultLanguageTag":"en-US","userLanguageTag":"en-US","portalThemeColor":"#232f3d","helpCenterTitleColor":"#ffffff","useDefaultBanner":false,"isBannerAvailable":false,"hasTopBarBeenSplit":false},"errorMessages":["You don't have permission to view this portal."],"errorLogoClass":"default-error","nextActionUrl":"/servicedesk/customer/user/login?destination=portals","nextActionDisplayText":"Log in"}